Our goal is to provide accounting firms with practical guidance and state of the art methodology to perform efficient assurance and compilation engagements in compliance with professional standards.

The Professional Engagement Guide published by CPA Canada
An essential resource for performing high-quality, cost effective assurance and compilation engagements for small and medium-sized entities, the NEW Professional Engagement Guide (PEG) provides valuable guidance to help practitioners consistently apply the professional standards.
CPA Canada’s Quality Assurance Manual
The QAM is designed to help firms understand and apply the Quality Control standards. It contains guidance on what is required and how to develop and document a tailored quality control system. It also provides guidance and sample policies on setting the tone at the top, hiring practices and independent file quality reviews and monitoring.
IFAC Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-sized Entities
Is designed to assist SMPs and other auditors of small and medium entities (SMEs) apply the International Standards on Auditing.
The IFAC Guide to Review Engagements was developed to aid small- and medium-sized practices (SMPs) perform review engagements in compliance with International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2400, Engagements to Review Historical Financial Statements.
This publication provides a framework for risk management that’s adaptable to any not-for-profit organization.
CSAE Risk Management Toolkit for Not-for-Profit Executives
This new publication from CSAE is designed to help executives by introducing them to the best practices and tools necessary for planning, executing and maintaining an effective risk management strategy.